I apologize for the lack of posts as of late..... I have been hard at work campaigning for Congressman Duncan Hunter and the bulk of my blogging energy has gone there: www.dhgrassrevolt.wordpress.com
Also, I am replacing this blog with a wordpress blog that I have kept up to date a bit more than this one, and will continue to do so.
God bless,
SK Johnson
Greedy Politicians
There are literally trillions of dollars to be made in personal fortunes by the divestment of United States sovereignty into parcels. Rudy isn't the only U.S. politician holding his hand out for his piece of the juicy pie.And he can best administer the return on his investment from the seat of the president of the united states. It's that simple.
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SPP or the North American Community(North American Union) meeting Aug 20-21
PREMEDITATED MERGERProtesters to converge on North America summitCanada hosts trilateral SPP meeting with Bush, Mexican president(People need to know what's going on)
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Ted Kennedy stands for stupid. It's his job, and a source of great pride.
With guys including Ted Kennedy sending weapons and money to Fatah, the PLO and other terrorist organizations can it be any surprise that he is working to subvert law and order in our country too? But only for tax payers. Illegals and terrorists have a different set of rules.
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I read something about the CFR (the Council for Foreign Relations) a few minutes ago that is very interesting. A man was trying to debunk the conspiracy theories that it's a globalist regime, working towars open borders and perhaps socialism. The short piece on the issue began by saying without a doubt that the CFR is a think tank on policy, not a globalist agenda. By the end of the piece, he had changed his tune a bit.
"If all the CFR conservatives renounced their membership and quit CFR today, this would be a bad thing, because there would be no more debates, and CFR would adopt lock, stock and barrel a one-world view.
The conservatives are needed in the CFR so they can keep an eye on the libs and keep them occupied, lest the Leftistas use the organization unimpeded to more effectively promote world socialism."
Something kind of fishy is going on there if you ask me. Maybe I'm paranoid, but something just doesn't quite add ud.
-S.K. Johnson
"If all the CFR conservatives renounced their membership and quit CFR today, this would be a bad thing, because there would be no more debates, and CFR would adopt lock, stock and barrel a one-world view.
The conservatives are needed in the CFR so they can keep an eye on the libs and keep them occupied, lest the Leftistas use the organization unimpeded to more effectively promote world socialism."
Something kind of fishy is going on there if you ask me. Maybe I'm paranoid, but something just doesn't quite add ud.
-S.K. Johnson
Will the real Ronald Reagan please stand up?
Janet Folger illustrates why the current Republican front runners are not conservatives at all. They are in fact all RHINO's!
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From rightwingnews.com
Q&A Friday #55: Can Duncan Hunter Win The Primaries?
Question: Presidential candidate Rep. Hunter is a conservative except, as you've noted, when it comes to his protectionist tendencies (e.g. opposing NAFTA).
Do you think that a somewhat-protectionist but otherwise capitalist conservative can win in the Republican Party presidential primaries?
I really have reservations about how much our economy has been opened and left vulnerable to foreign manipulation (e.g. China's undervalued currency). I feel that Republicans could stand to gain votes from moderates and the union crowd if they became a little more aggressive about fighting unfair foreign trade practices. What are your thoughts?" -- RepublicanPig1
Answer: Here's the thing: Hunter is not running against the perfect prototypical conservative who has conservative views on every subject. To the contrary, he's running against real people who deviate from the conservative orthodoxy on a lot of fronts.
For example, the two front runners right now appear to be John McCain & Rudy Giuliani. Although I am a free trader and don't agree with Hunter on that issue, I also don't agree with McCain on campaign finance reform, his incredibly broad definition of "torture," global warming, the protection of marriage amendment, illegal immigration, etc., etc. When it comes to Rudy Giuliani, you have a guy who is pro-abortion, pro-amnesty, pro-gun control, etc., etc. So personally -- and I think this will be true for most conservatives -- despite my difference with him on trade, I still have much more in common ideologically with Hunter than I do with Giuliani or McCain.
Moreover, let me add that Hunter's views on the free trade issue would probably be very useful in appealing to blue collar Democrats working in factories, mills, unions, etc. The sort of things Hunter is saying about CAFTA, NAFTA, and China would be music to their ears and I think a lot of them could be persuaded to vote for him because of it.
I'm not endorsing him or anything at this point (I probably won't pick the candidate I'm going to get behind until shortly before the first primary), but I think Duncan Hunter would be the most electable candidate that the GOP could run in 2008. He has no serious baggage that I've seen, served in Vietnam, has enormous credibility and experience on defense issues, a tough anti-illegal immigration stance, favors a Balanced Budget Amendment, wants a 2/3 majority to raise taxes. I believe he would pull in some Democratic voters because of his trade stance and I think he's a candidate that conservatives would actually turn out to vote for (as opposed to say, turning out just because they don't want Hillary in the White House).
Can Hunter gain the name recognition and backing he needs to have a real shot of winning the nomination? That remains to be seen at this point, but since Republicans desperately seem to be searching for someone to represent the conservative wing of the Republican Party and since Hunter seems to fit the bill better than anyone else running, I think a meteoric rise into the top tier over the next few months is within the realm of possibility for him.
PS: Granted, the best candidates for the presidency are usually governors, but when you look at the candidates in the race, the pickings are pretty slim at the moment. Huckabee? No. Pataki? Please. Romney? The only reason he is even getting a hard look from people is because so many conservatives really don't like the idea of having McCain or Giuliani as a candidate.
PS #2: When Howard Dean ran in 2004, he built up name recognition and buzz online. Then, when he won the MoveON.org primary, people started to take him seriously as a candidate. The same thing could happen with Hunter. If he can build up some buzz and win or place surprisingly high in a prominent poll (like the National Journal Insider's Poll), then next thing you know, people will start to give him a hard look. So, although a guy like Hunter would have had no chance to get up into the top tier in, let's say 2000, because of the new media in today's political environment, he has a real chance to pull it off if he can appeal to conservatives.
Question: Presidential candidate Rep. Hunter is a conservative except, as you've noted, when it comes to his protectionist tendencies (e.g. opposing NAFTA).
Do you think that a somewhat-protectionist but otherwise capitalist conservative can win in the Republican Party presidential primaries?
I really have reservations about how much our economy has been opened and left vulnerable to foreign manipulation (e.g. China's undervalued currency). I feel that Republicans could stand to gain votes from moderates and the union crowd if they became a little more aggressive about fighting unfair foreign trade practices. What are your thoughts?" -- RepublicanPig1
Answer: Here's the thing: Hunter is not running against the perfect prototypical conservative who has conservative views on every subject. To the contrary, he's running against real people who deviate from the conservative orthodoxy on a lot of fronts.
For example, the two front runners right now appear to be John McCain & Rudy Giuliani. Although I am a free trader and don't agree with Hunter on that issue, I also don't agree with McCain on campaign finance reform, his incredibly broad definition of "torture," global warming, the protection of marriage amendment, illegal immigration, etc., etc. When it comes to Rudy Giuliani, you have a guy who is pro-abortion, pro-amnesty, pro-gun control, etc., etc. So personally -- and I think this will be true for most conservatives -- despite my difference with him on trade, I still have much more in common ideologically with Hunter than I do with Giuliani or McCain.
Moreover, let me add that Hunter's views on the free trade issue would probably be very useful in appealing to blue collar Democrats working in factories, mills, unions, etc. The sort of things Hunter is saying about CAFTA, NAFTA, and China would be music to their ears and I think a lot of them could be persuaded to vote for him because of it.
I'm not endorsing him or anything at this point (I probably won't pick the candidate I'm going to get behind until shortly before the first primary), but I think Duncan Hunter would be the most electable candidate that the GOP could run in 2008. He has no serious baggage that I've seen, served in Vietnam, has enormous credibility and experience on defense issues, a tough anti-illegal immigration stance, favors a Balanced Budget Amendment, wants a 2/3 majority to raise taxes. I believe he would pull in some Democratic voters because of his trade stance and I think he's a candidate that conservatives would actually turn out to vote for (as opposed to say, turning out just because they don't want Hillary in the White House).
Can Hunter gain the name recognition and backing he needs to have a real shot of winning the nomination? That remains to be seen at this point, but since Republicans desperately seem to be searching for someone to represent the conservative wing of the Republican Party and since Hunter seems to fit the bill better than anyone else running, I think a meteoric rise into the top tier over the next few months is within the realm of possibility for him.
PS: Granted, the best candidates for the presidency are usually governors, but when you look at the candidates in the race, the pickings are pretty slim at the moment. Huckabee? No. Pataki? Please. Romney? The only reason he is even getting a hard look from people is because so many conservatives really don't like the idea of having McCain or Giuliani as a candidate.
PS #2: When Howard Dean ran in 2004, he built up name recognition and buzz online. Then, when he won the MoveON.org primary, people started to take him seriously as a candidate. The same thing could happen with Hunter. If he can build up some buzz and win or place surprisingly high in a prominent poll (like the National Journal Insider's Poll), then next thing you know, people will start to give him a hard look. So, although a guy like Hunter would have had no chance to get up into the top tier in, let's say 2000, because of the new media in today's political environment, he has a real chance to pull it off if he can appeal to conservatives.
Duncan Hunter,
Election 2008,
Howard Dean,
John McCain,
Mitt Romney,
Rudy Guiliani
Reflections in Angel Wings
Angels are perfect aren't they? At least, that's what everyone says isn't it? While, interestingly, I'm not sure of what the Biblical basis of that idea is, I generally cling to it. Angels, at the very least, are good. In the same sense as man as good before the fall. But it would seem, that although good, they are left prey to many of the same temptations and feelings that we have...one of those things, being jealousy.
Jealous, you say? Why would angels be jealous? From a theological standpoint, if they are perfect they do not know pain, suffering, illness, sin, separation from God...they only know goodness. What would they have to be jealous about? It doesn't make much sense. If that isn't strange enough, may I make my claim even more outrageous. Not only are they jealous, but they are jealous of humanity itself.
No doubt you are sitting on the edge of your seat, head in hands attempting to understand how on earth angels could be jealous of cancer, backstabbers, murderers, adulterers, AIDS, sickness, famine, deceit, fear, greed...those things that mark humanity. We, who are idiotic and childish rebels against God, are the object of jealosy of ones we are not worthy to look upon? They? Who sit in winsome obedience to that same God, every beating moment? How can it be?
There is one thing that we have that they don't. One privilage, one gift, we have been given that they have not received. Yes, we have imperfection...but they know full well what kind of God we serve. They know that we serve a God of rescue, of grace, of compassion, of redemption. They know that with imperfection, comes the ability for restoration. This process of redemption that we enter into with Christ isn't just a forgiveness of sin...but the forgiveness of sin is a part of something even bigger. It is the scrapping of something old and the replacement of something new. Could it be...could it be...that this great mystery of God that is in every word of Scripture, every bit of beauty and every bit of ugly, in every breath of life, in every thought, in every molecule is a great story...not just of a people who rebelled and were forgiven, but of a people who get to reflect the depth of the nature of God by being fallen and then redeemed. And could it just be, that a perfect world, has nothing on a world that has fallen and been restored?
You know that it is true, somewhere deep down. It is written into our very lives. Ever noticed that funny way it works out that when God gets to work on the worst thing about you, it suddenly becomes the best thing about you? Ever noticed how a seed must die, to bring forth something so much greater than a mere seed could ever be? Could it be that the rare privelage of being renewed in Christ, is so much better than never having needed him? In the book of Genesis, we are given a wonderful garden. Ages later, after all these days of pain and war, the world is finally renewed...and as the book of Revelation has told us, we will be given a city. Something to think about.
I Peter 1:12:
10-12The prophets who told us this was coming asked a lot of questions about this gift of life God was preparing. The Messiah's Spirit let them in on some of it—that the Messiah would experience suffering, followed by glory. They clamored to know who and when. All they were told was that they were serving you, you who by orders from heaven have now heard for yourselves—through the Holy Spirit—the Message of those prophecies fulfilled. Do you realize how fortunate you are? Angels would have given anything to be in on this!
Remember how fortunate we are, my brothers and sisters, even the angels are jealous of us.
Jealous, you say? Why would angels be jealous? From a theological standpoint, if they are perfect they do not know pain, suffering, illness, sin, separation from God...they only know goodness. What would they have to be jealous about? It doesn't make much sense. If that isn't strange enough, may I make my claim even more outrageous. Not only are they jealous, but they are jealous of humanity itself.
No doubt you are sitting on the edge of your seat, head in hands attempting to understand how on earth angels could be jealous of cancer, backstabbers, murderers, adulterers, AIDS, sickness, famine, deceit, fear, greed...those things that mark humanity. We, who are idiotic and childish rebels against God, are the object of jealosy of ones we are not worthy to look upon? They? Who sit in winsome obedience to that same God, every beating moment? How can it be?
There is one thing that we have that they don't. One privilage, one gift, we have been given that they have not received. Yes, we have imperfection...but they know full well what kind of God we serve. They know that we serve a God of rescue, of grace, of compassion, of redemption. They know that with imperfection, comes the ability for restoration. This process of redemption that we enter into with Christ isn't just a forgiveness of sin...but the forgiveness of sin is a part of something even bigger. It is the scrapping of something old and the replacement of something new. Could it be...could it be...that this great mystery of God that is in every word of Scripture, every bit of beauty and every bit of ugly, in every breath of life, in every thought, in every molecule is a great story...not just of a people who rebelled and were forgiven, but of a people who get to reflect the depth of the nature of God by being fallen and then redeemed. And could it just be, that a perfect world, has nothing on a world that has fallen and been restored?
You know that it is true, somewhere deep down. It is written into our very lives. Ever noticed that funny way it works out that when God gets to work on the worst thing about you, it suddenly becomes the best thing about you? Ever noticed how a seed must die, to bring forth something so much greater than a mere seed could ever be? Could it be that the rare privelage of being renewed in Christ, is so much better than never having needed him? In the book of Genesis, we are given a wonderful garden. Ages later, after all these days of pain and war, the world is finally renewed...and as the book of Revelation has told us, we will be given a city. Something to think about.
I Peter 1:12:
10-12The prophets who told us this was coming asked a lot of questions about this gift of life God was preparing. The Messiah's Spirit let them in on some of it—that the Messiah would experience suffering, followed by glory. They clamored to know who and when. All they were told was that they were serving you, you who by orders from heaven have now heard for yourselves—through the Holy Spirit—the Message of those prophecies fulfilled. Do you realize how fortunate you are? Angels would have given anything to be in on this!
Remember how fortunate we are, my brothers and sisters, even the angels are jealous of us.
Fred Thompson (excert from worldnetdaily.com)
Fred Thompson's globalist pedigree
Posted: May 19, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Tom Kovach
Voters and pundits alike are claiming that a potential Fred Thompson run for the White House could "save" the conservative movement that has been betrayed by President George W. Bush. Such a claim defies the facts, because Thompson's political pedigree includes Bush-like globalist credentials.
This column was prompted by near-record e-mail responses, the vast majority of which asserted that a previous WND column on this topic did not go far enough. Some of the material supporting this follow-up was provided by those WND readers, some of whom claimed to write from Lawrenceburg, Tenn. (Thompson's hometown).
Just as the favorite Republican non-candidate gets near-constant news coverage, even for saying nothing, many of Thompson's policies are revealed more by what he does not say than by what he does say. Even before the 9-11 attacks, President Bush was already trying to downplay even the word "amnesty." Similarly, the public statements of Fred Thompson do not reject amnesty for illegal aliens. Revelations about the design of the premeditated merger of the United States with Mexico and Canada prove that Bush and his Republican insiders harbored a long-time globalist agenda. Just who were those globalist insiders? Is Thompson one of them?
The core values of the average voter in Tennessee are very conservative. This fact has produced Democrats that voted overwhelmingly for Ronald Reagan. But, out of misguided local loyalty, the conservative voters in Tennessee have also repeatedly elected homegrown globalists. Among them are prominent United States Sens. Howard Baker, Bill Frist, Lamar Alexander, and – yes – Fred Thompson.
All four of those Republican senators from Tennessee were members of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations during their tenure in the United States Senate. (And, a Democratic senator from Tennessee – Al Gore, who became vice-president – was also a CFR member.) Baker, who mentored Thompson into politics in 1972, was part of the "Panama Canal giveaway team" during the administration of President Jimmy Carter – another CFR member. (Note that the linked CNN commentary was written by Robert A. Pastor, another CFR globalist. Pastor recently wrote a column for WorldNetDaily, claiming to distance his North American Community plan from an assault upon American sovereignty.
Posted: May 19, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Tom Kovach
Voters and pundits alike are claiming that a potential Fred Thompson run for the White House could "save" the conservative movement that has been betrayed by President George W. Bush. Such a claim defies the facts, because Thompson's political pedigree includes Bush-like globalist credentials.
This column was prompted by near-record e-mail responses, the vast majority of which asserted that a previous WND column on this topic did not go far enough. Some of the material supporting this follow-up was provided by those WND readers, some of whom claimed to write from Lawrenceburg, Tenn. (Thompson's hometown).
Just as the favorite Republican non-candidate gets near-constant news coverage, even for saying nothing, many of Thompson's policies are revealed more by what he does not say than by what he does say. Even before the 9-11 attacks, President Bush was already trying to downplay even the word "amnesty." Similarly, the public statements of Fred Thompson do not reject amnesty for illegal aliens. Revelations about the design of the premeditated merger of the United States with Mexico and Canada prove that Bush and his Republican insiders harbored a long-time globalist agenda. Just who were those globalist insiders? Is Thompson one of them?
The core values of the average voter in Tennessee are very conservative. This fact has produced Democrats that voted overwhelmingly for Ronald Reagan. But, out of misguided local loyalty, the conservative voters in Tennessee have also repeatedly elected homegrown globalists. Among them are prominent United States Sens. Howard Baker, Bill Frist, Lamar Alexander, and – yes – Fred Thompson.
All four of those Republican senators from Tennessee were members of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations during their tenure in the United States Senate. (And, a Democratic senator from Tennessee – Al Gore, who became vice-president – was also a CFR member.) Baker, who mentored Thompson into politics in 1972, was part of the "Panama Canal giveaway team" during the administration of President Jimmy Carter – another CFR member. (Note that the linked CNN commentary was written by Robert A. Pastor, another CFR globalist. Pastor recently wrote a column for WorldNetDaily, claiming to distance his North American Community plan from an assault upon American sovereignty.
From the Washington Post
Inside the Ring
By Bill Gertz
June 15, 2007
China arming terrorists
New intelligence reveals China is covertly supplying large quantities of small arms and weapons to insurgents in Iraq and the Taliban militia in Afghanistan, through Iran.
U.S. government appeals to China to check some of the arms shipments in advance were met with stonewalling by Beijing, which insisted it knew nothing about the shipments and asked for additional intelligence on the transfers. The ploy has been used in the past by China to hide its arms-proliferation activities from the United States, according to U.S. officials with access to the intelligence reports.
Some arms were sent by aircraft directly from Chinese factories to Afghanistan and included large-caliber sniper rifles, millions of rounds of ammunition, rocket-propelled grenades and components for roadside bombs, as well as other small arms.
The Washington Times reported June 5 that Chinese-made HN-5 anti-aircraft missiles were being used by the Taliban.
According to the officials, the Iranians, in buying the arms, asked Chinese state-run suppliers to expedite the transfers and to remove serial numbers to prevent tracing their origin. China, for its part, offered to transport the weapons in order to prevent the weapons from being interdicted.
The weapons were described as "late-model" arms that have not been seen in the field before and were not left over from Saddam Hussein's rule in Iraq.
U.S. Army specialists suspect the weapons were transferred within the past three months.
The Bush administration has been trying to hide or downplay the intelligence reports to protect its pro-business policies toward China, and to continue to claim that China is helping the United States in the war on terrorism. U.S. officials have openly criticized Iran for the arms transfers but so far there has been no mention that China is a main supplier.
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Wednesday that the flow of Iranian arms to Afghanistan is "fairly substantial" and that it is likely taking place with the help of the Iranian government.
Defense officials are upset that Chinese weapons are being used to kill Americans. "Americans are being killed by Chinese-supplied weapons, with the full knowledge and understanding of Beijing where these weapons are going," one official said.
The arms shipments show that the idea that China is helping the United States in the war on terrorism is "utter nonsense," the official said.
John Tkacik, a former State Department official now with the Heritage Foundation, said the Chinese arms influx "continues 10 years of willful blindness in both Republican and Democrat administrations to China's contribution to severe instability in the Middle East and South Asia."
Mr. Tkacik said the administration should be candid with the American people about China's arms shipments, including Beijing's provision of man-portable air-defense missiles through Iran and Syria to warring factions in Lebanon and Gaza.
Apologists for China within the government said the intelligence reports were not concrete proof of Chinese and Iranian government complicity.
Pentagon spokesmen declined to comment. A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy did not return telephone calls seeking comment.
Iran boat threat
Iran is adding Chinese-made small boats armed with anti-ship cruise missiles to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps navy that can be used in attacks on shipping in the oil-rich Persian Gulf, according to the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).
"Iran still states that the [Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps navy] will employ swarming tactics in a conflict," ONI analyst Robert Althage said in an e-mail, noting that the paramilitary organization "continues to add boats armed with anti-ship cruise missiles, such as the FL-10, to its inventory."
China began supplying Iran over the past several years with small, high-speed C-14 catamarans armed with the optically guided FL-10 anti-ship cruise missiles.
Mr. Althage said in response to questions posed by Bloomberg News that recent exercises by the Iranians did not show any new capabilities and that the maneuvers appeared designed "for publicity."
Currently, Iran operates three Russian-made Kilo submarines but has not yet mined waterways, the ONI analyst stated.
A 2004 ONI report said the Iranian IRGC navy has more than 1,000 small boats ranging in length from 17 to 60 feet, and many are concentrated near the strategic Strait of Hormuz, where a large majority of the world's oil passes.
The boats can be used in attacks against shipping and include infantry weapons, unguided barrage rockets, recoilless guns, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles and rocket-propelled grenades.
North Korea watch
U.S. intelligence agencies think North Korea is continuing development of nuclear weapons, as well as working on "miniaturization" of weapons for missile warheads, according to a senior Bush administration official.
Since the February nuclear accord reached in Beijing, North Korea has continued work on weapons, said a senior Bush administration official involved in North Korean affairs.
"There are no indications that they are not pursuing a nuclear weapons capability, to include the weaponization and miniaturization," the official said.
U.S. intelligence officials think North Korea, which received equipment through the covert Pakistani nuclear-supplier network headed by Abdul Qadeer Khan, obtained Chinese documents on designing a small warhead, the key to developing a nuclear weapon small enough for missile warheads.
The Chinese-language warhead design documents were first uncovered in Libya, which gave up its nuclear program in 2003.
Three recent missile tests in North Korea over the past several weeks were anti-ship cruise missiles fired during exercises that were not unusual for North Korean military forces at this time of year, the official said.
"Those who are looking at the six-party process and where we are today with [the Banco Delta Asia funds transfer] are very disappointed," the senior official said. "This doesn't build confidence. This is a time that is very tense and we want to go to implementing the 13 February agreement. So even though this is a normal exercises, I think there is an element of disappointment that North Korea would move in that direction."
North Korea has shown no signs of preparing of another underground nuclear test but "they could have a nuclear test at any time with minimal or no warning," the official said.
The October test was a "nuclear event" but the blast caused by the test was smaller than North Korea had hoped, the official said.
By Bill Gertz
June 15, 2007
China arming terrorists
New intelligence reveals China is covertly supplying large quantities of small arms and weapons to insurgents in Iraq and the Taliban militia in Afghanistan, through Iran.
U.S. government appeals to China to check some of the arms shipments in advance were met with stonewalling by Beijing, which insisted it knew nothing about the shipments and asked for additional intelligence on the transfers. The ploy has been used in the past by China to hide its arms-proliferation activities from the United States, according to U.S. officials with access to the intelligence reports.
Some arms were sent by aircraft directly from Chinese factories to Afghanistan and included large-caliber sniper rifles, millions of rounds of ammunition, rocket-propelled grenades and components for roadside bombs, as well as other small arms.
The Washington Times reported June 5 that Chinese-made HN-5 anti-aircraft missiles were being used by the Taliban.
According to the officials, the Iranians, in buying the arms, asked Chinese state-run suppliers to expedite the transfers and to remove serial numbers to prevent tracing their origin. China, for its part, offered to transport the weapons in order to prevent the weapons from being interdicted.
The weapons were described as "late-model" arms that have not been seen in the field before and were not left over from Saddam Hussein's rule in Iraq.
U.S. Army specialists suspect the weapons were transferred within the past three months.
The Bush administration has been trying to hide or downplay the intelligence reports to protect its pro-business policies toward China, and to continue to claim that China is helping the United States in the war on terrorism. U.S. officials have openly criticized Iran for the arms transfers but so far there has been no mention that China is a main supplier.
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Wednesday that the flow of Iranian arms to Afghanistan is "fairly substantial" and that it is likely taking place with the help of the Iranian government.
Defense officials are upset that Chinese weapons are being used to kill Americans. "Americans are being killed by Chinese-supplied weapons, with the full knowledge and understanding of Beijing where these weapons are going," one official said.
The arms shipments show that the idea that China is helping the United States in the war on terrorism is "utter nonsense," the official said.
John Tkacik, a former State Department official now with the Heritage Foundation, said the Chinese arms influx "continues 10 years of willful blindness in both Republican and Democrat administrations to China's contribution to severe instability in the Middle East and South Asia."
Mr. Tkacik said the administration should be candid with the American people about China's arms shipments, including Beijing's provision of man-portable air-defense missiles through Iran and Syria to warring factions in Lebanon and Gaza.
Apologists for China within the government said the intelligence reports were not concrete proof of Chinese and Iranian government complicity.
Pentagon spokesmen declined to comment. A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy did not return telephone calls seeking comment.
Iran boat threat
Iran is adding Chinese-made small boats armed with anti-ship cruise missiles to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps navy that can be used in attacks on shipping in the oil-rich Persian Gulf, according to the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).
"Iran still states that the [Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps navy] will employ swarming tactics in a conflict," ONI analyst Robert Althage said in an e-mail, noting that the paramilitary organization "continues to add boats armed with anti-ship cruise missiles, such as the FL-10, to its inventory."
China began supplying Iran over the past several years with small, high-speed C-14 catamarans armed with the optically guided FL-10 anti-ship cruise missiles.
Mr. Althage said in response to questions posed by Bloomberg News that recent exercises by the Iranians did not show any new capabilities and that the maneuvers appeared designed "for publicity."
Currently, Iran operates three Russian-made Kilo submarines but has not yet mined waterways, the ONI analyst stated.
A 2004 ONI report said the Iranian IRGC navy has more than 1,000 small boats ranging in length from 17 to 60 feet, and many are concentrated near the strategic Strait of Hormuz, where a large majority of the world's oil passes.
The boats can be used in attacks against shipping and include infantry weapons, unguided barrage rockets, recoilless guns, shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles and rocket-propelled grenades.
North Korea watch
U.S. intelligence agencies think North Korea is continuing development of nuclear weapons, as well as working on "miniaturization" of weapons for missile warheads, according to a senior Bush administration official.
Since the February nuclear accord reached in Beijing, North Korea has continued work on weapons, said a senior Bush administration official involved in North Korean affairs.
"There are no indications that they are not pursuing a nuclear weapons capability, to include the weaponization and miniaturization," the official said.
U.S. intelligence officials think North Korea, which received equipment through the covert Pakistani nuclear-supplier network headed by Abdul Qadeer Khan, obtained Chinese documents on designing a small warhead, the key to developing a nuclear weapon small enough for missile warheads.
The Chinese-language warhead design documents were first uncovered in Libya, which gave up its nuclear program in 2003.
Three recent missile tests in North Korea over the past several weeks were anti-ship cruise missiles fired during exercises that were not unusual for North Korean military forces at this time of year, the official said.
"Those who are looking at the six-party process and where we are today with [the Banco Delta Asia funds transfer] are very disappointed," the senior official said. "This doesn't build confidence. This is a time that is very tense and we want to go to implementing the 13 February agreement. So even though this is a normal exercises, I think there is an element of disappointment that North Korea would move in that direction."
North Korea has shown no signs of preparing of another underground nuclear test but "they could have a nuclear test at any time with minimal or no warning," the official said.
The October test was a "nuclear event" but the blast caused by the test was smaller than North Korea had hoped, the official said.
Anatoliy Golitsyn,
Thesis statement:
Good afternoon. Or morning, or evening, or late night.
I want to thank you for dropping by, and welcome you to this dumping ground for my thoughts on anything and everything that is interesting...to me. But the reason I'm here is more than a bit of random expression, it is an attempt at something Thomas Jefferson once eluded to. That truth will spread.
I am a Christian, who believes that the culture has run far from the truth, but continues to flirt with it in ways the church has ignored. At the same time, I believe that church has come a long way and is getting ready for a new revolution of thought and action. I'm simply a bystander, trying to help things along on my own. How? With truth. I'm here to talk about news, politics, art, culture, and revolution. I'll post my random thoughts, news tidbits, copy article that I think are important for people to read, and attempt to facilite the spread of truth.
The early church became enslaved to Platonic philosopohy. Platonic philosophy was a school of thought that the spiritual was automatically holier than the real world. When this philosophy entered into the church, it created a hierchy among church leaders, and the belief that becoming a church leader was a holier call than anything else. This is also where the idea for monestaries came. However, movements such as the reformation brought the church back into the realization that the kingdom has earthly mandates and implications as much as it has heavenly implications. However, puritanism and fundamentalism brought Platonism back into the church through various facets. The church is now split between avoiding culture, or conforming to it. Often at the same time. This is a problem that intellectuals of the past century were working behind the scenes to fix (C.S. Lewis, Francis Schaeffer, Nancy Pearcey, Ravi Zacharias). The seeds have been planted for a new reformation, and many Christian thinkers and intellectual leaders feel that the emerging generation of the church will lead such a revolution. This blog is my small place in it. I am a firm believer in the principle set out so well in the life of William Wilberforce (a Christian British Parliamentarian who helped end the slave trade in europe), that the principles of Christianity lead not just to meditation but also to action.
Christians have ignored art, politics, beauty, justice, love, and truth, and is living in a split personality, I am here to bring a revolution of the church in order to help facilitate the redeeming work of Christ in every part of the world.
To Him be the glory,
S.K. Johnson
I want to thank you for dropping by, and welcome you to this dumping ground for my thoughts on anything and everything that is interesting...to me. But the reason I'm here is more than a bit of random expression, it is an attempt at something Thomas Jefferson once eluded to. That truth will spread.
I am a Christian, who believes that the culture has run far from the truth, but continues to flirt with it in ways the church has ignored. At the same time, I believe that church has come a long way and is getting ready for a new revolution of thought and action. I'm simply a bystander, trying to help things along on my own. How? With truth. I'm here to talk about news, politics, art, culture, and revolution. I'll post my random thoughts, news tidbits, copy article that I think are important for people to read, and attempt to facilite the spread of truth.
The early church became enslaved to Platonic philosopohy. Platonic philosophy was a school of thought that the spiritual was automatically holier than the real world. When this philosophy entered into the church, it created a hierchy among church leaders, and the belief that becoming a church leader was a holier call than anything else. This is also where the idea for monestaries came. However, movements such as the reformation brought the church back into the realization that the kingdom has earthly mandates and implications as much as it has heavenly implications. However, puritanism and fundamentalism brought Platonism back into the church through various facets. The church is now split between avoiding culture, or conforming to it. Often at the same time. This is a problem that intellectuals of the past century were working behind the scenes to fix (C.S. Lewis, Francis Schaeffer, Nancy Pearcey, Ravi Zacharias). The seeds have been planted for a new reformation, and many Christian thinkers and intellectual leaders feel that the emerging generation of the church will lead such a revolution. This blog is my small place in it. I am a firm believer in the principle set out so well in the life of William Wilberforce (a Christian British Parliamentarian who helped end the slave trade in europe), that the principles of Christianity lead not just to meditation but also to action.
Christians have ignored art, politics, beauty, justice, love, and truth, and is living in a split personality, I am here to bring a revolution of the church in order to help facilitate the redeeming work of Christ in every part of the world.
To Him be the glory,
S.K. Johnson
the Church,
Is this thing on?
These are the ramblings of a student, a thinker, an idealist, and a follower of Christ. These are my ideas, my feelings, my issues, and myself itself.
I am a believer in truth, in beauty, in goodness, and in God. I am here to have an influence on my generation and my world at large for good, and for truth, and for beauty, and for God.
Can you hear me out there?
I am a believer in truth, in beauty, in goodness, and in God. I am here to have an influence on my generation and my world at large for good, and for truth, and for beauty, and for God.
Can you hear me out there?
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