
Thesis statement:

Good afternoon. Or morning, or evening, or late night.

I want to thank you for dropping by, and welcome you to this dumping ground for my thoughts on anything and everything that is interesting...to me. But the reason I'm here is more than a bit of random expression, it is an attempt at something Thomas Jefferson once eluded to. That truth will spread.

I am a Christian, who believes that the culture has run far from the truth, but continues to flirt with it in ways the church has ignored. At the same time, I believe that church has come a long way and is getting ready for a new revolution of thought and action. I'm simply a bystander, trying to help things along on my own. How? With truth. I'm here to talk about news, politics, art, culture, and revolution. I'll post my random thoughts, news tidbits, copy article that I think are important for people to read, and attempt to facilite the spread of truth.

The early church became enslaved to Platonic philosopohy. Platonic philosophy was a school of thought that the spiritual was automatically holier than the real world. When this philosophy entered into the church, it created a hierchy among church leaders, and the belief that becoming a church leader was a holier call than anything else. This is also where the idea for monestaries came. However, movements such as the reformation brought the church back into the realization that the kingdom has earthly mandates and implications as much as it has heavenly implications. However, puritanism and fundamentalism brought Platonism back into the church through various facets. The church is now split between avoiding culture, or conforming to it. Often at the same time. This is a problem that intellectuals of the past century were working behind the scenes to fix (C.S. Lewis, Francis Schaeffer, Nancy Pearcey, Ravi Zacharias). The seeds have been planted for a new reformation, and many Christian thinkers and intellectual leaders feel that the emerging generation of the church will lead such a revolution. This blog is my small place in it. I am a firm believer in the principle set out so well in the life of William Wilberforce (a Christian British Parliamentarian who helped end the slave trade in europe), that the principles of Christianity lead not just to meditation but also to action.

Christians have ignored art, politics, beauty, justice, love, and truth, and is living in a split personality, I am here to bring a revolution of the church in order to help facilitate the redeeming work of Christ in every part of the world.

To Him be the glory,
S.K. Johnson

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